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Nutrition and Health Resources
- Just in Time Parenting—a free parenting newsletter from Cooperate Extension Services delivered by email specific to your child’s age and needs.
- USDA WIC Works Resource System—resources from pregnancy to infancy to childhood from the United States Department of Agriculture.
-—health and safety tips spanning from pregnancy to young adulthood from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
-—information on how to build healthy eating habits from the United States Department of Agriculture.
-—infant and young children nutrition resources, including recipes and videos, from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Early Childhood Development Resources
- Better Brains for Babies—information about the importance of early brain development in infants and young children from the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services.
- Child Development—information on developmental milestones, positive parenting tips and free resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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